(Men's Health) Workaholics, listen up: Step Away From Your Desk to Boost Your Productivity And your mood. Your boss and coworkers will thank you:

Take "microbreaks"
Taking a few minutes how and then can cut work stress while improving your efficiency and mood, a recent study reports. You can relax, stimulate your mind by doing something that's not a chore: think Candy Crush, not online banking, or socializing but don't complain about work chat about other topics.

Don't do e-mail after hours
We get it: You're a devoted employee. But checking your email after you've clocked out can affect your family life and lead to emotional exhaustion, new research confirms. Even if you have no emails to read, waiting for that ping can bring on something called "anticipatory stress." So make this an ironclad rule confirm it with your boss and coworkers and you'll enhance your job satisfaction in the long run.

Use your vacation days already
You've heard this before, but evidently it hasn't sunk in: Last year 55 percent of U.S. employees left vacation time on the table, letting companies keep $61.4 billion in benefits. Those who take their vacation days come back refreshed and perform better at work, an Human Resource survey indicates. Those who don't just annoy their coworkers by going full martyr about all their unused time off.


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